Thanks to Fedora XGL repository blog, my FC5 x86_64 is now running XGL. One notice change is the removal of window tab preference inside Desktop--> Preference --> Themes. The animation is quite impressive as it reminds the Luminocity experiment provided by Seth Nickell and company.
As pointed out before, XGL requires hardware accelerator and extras dependancies such as xorg-x11-server-xgl. On a system running with a AMD Athlon 64 3200+, 1GB of RAM and a Nvidia Geforce 5600XT, the performance is good with very few ram consumption.
I haven't a chance to test AIGLX as the open source version of Nvidia driver "nv" is not supported at the moment. It appears these technologies demonstrate how fast the open source projects evolve.
As pointed out before, XGL requires hardware accelerator and extras dependancies such as xorg-x11-server-xgl. On a system running with a AMD Athlon 64 3200+, 1GB of RAM and a Nvidia Geforce 5600XT, the performance is good with very few ram consumption.
I haven't a chance to test AIGLX as the open source version of Nvidia driver "nv" is not supported at the moment. It appears these technologies demonstrate how fast the open source projects evolve.