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Showing posts from June, 2012

Drawing hair with Inkscape

My very first online tutorial is an adaption from Chris Design Drawing Hairs article using both Path and Path Editor tools which requires Inkscape 0.47 or newer. Start-up Inkscape application which should open a new blank page and set the document into landscape.  Create a path Select the bezier tool or press either Shift+F6 or B on the keyboard. Draw a line to approximately 800px or more. You can also use rectangle tool ( R or F4 as shortcut key) as a thin line illustrated in grey. While the line is selected, convert into path from the menu Path -> Stroke to Path or press Ctrl+Alt+C on the keyboard. For the rectangle, Path -> Object to Path or Ctrl+Shift+C . The result will show grey diamonds on each corner. Create a pattern On the menu, Extensions -> Modify Paths -> Add Nodes . Set the Max Segments Length to 5px. On the menu Extension -> Modify Paths -> Jitter Nodes . Leave the default settings and apply effects.