Ahem.... 1...2..3...
My first contact with the world of blog aka livejournal. I am currently involved in Fedora Project.
Current objectives are translating Fedora Project website in French. Fortunately, there is another
french translator so the task will be much easier.
I am currently waiting for gdesklets packages to be reviewed further now that I got sponsorshed by Warren Togami, Fedora Project founder and Red Hat employee. It tooks me 21 compiles to make sure gdesklets follows Fedora Extras norm. From fedoraforum.org, I learned the existance of adesklets. Hopefully someone will choose to port this package for Fedora Extras.
My first contact with the world of blog aka livejournal. I am currently involved in Fedora Project.
Current objectives are translating Fedora Project website in French. Fortunately, there is another
french translator so the task will be much easier.
I am currently waiting for gdesklets packages to be reviewed further now that I got sponsorshed by Warren Togami, Fedora Project founder and Red Hat employee. It tooks me 21 compiles to make sure gdesklets follows Fedora Extras norm. From fedoraforum.org, I learned the existance of adesklets. Hopefully someone will choose to port this package for Fedora Extras.
I recently joined your website in order to keep track many computer words in French. I will look forward to help you on fedora-france.org
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