Spring break has begun to fully recover from the stress of Graphic Design Winter session. Wave theme for Fedora 9 artwork was chosen over Shoowa. I was not surprised from the verdict considering the fact the former received more development and the latter has lost anyway even though it should not made in the third round in my opinion. Nevertheless, I am glad the round is over so I can focus on other stuffs.
Having learned to use Adobe InDesign, I started to use Scribus 1.3.4 on Fedora 8 but there is a bug that prevent to write a text inside the frame. Another issues is the PDF conversion into Scribus that feels somewhat incomplete. Then no standard for a publishing format is set as sla is for Scribus and indd is for Adobe InDesign,
Now that I have a decent free time, let practice some new earned skilled on Gimp and Inkscape too.
I would like to write a French version but I promise to do it on the next blog.