One month after a job as Graphic Artist show me that entire email standard (css support in particular) is a complete mess thanks for Microsoft Office 2003/2007. For web client, GMail is the worst while Yahoo does far better job and both Hotmail/Live fares well. Come on! While we struggle to get decent W3C standard to browser, it looks like email is neglected. There is the table for css support and using table for layout design is so 1998.
The Raven Ridge APU is very capable processor to handle OpenCL inside some applications like Blender, Darktable and Gimp. Unfortunately, the current implementation from Mesa, clover, stuck to 1.3, is not supported. AMD released their driver 18.40 with OpenCL2.0+ targeting only Red Hat Enterprise Linux/Cent OS 6.10 and 7.5 in addition of Ubuntu LTS. The good new is the former rpm format can be used on Fedora. The graphical part of Raven Ridge is Vega 8, basically a cut-down of Vega56 or Vega64 meaning choosing either driver for RX Vega . The instruction is provided for extracting the rpm files but here is some requirements for OpenCL: kernel-devel (provided by Fedora repository) amdgpu-dkms dkms libopencl-amdgpu-pro opencl-amdgpu-pro-icd Once done, applications needing OpenCL will automatically detect the driver located on /opt/amdgpu/lib64 . Blender will list as unknown AMD GPU and Darktable will enable it. OpenCL from official AMD driver enabled on Darktable ...
I work for a company specialized to professional camcorders that requires that use.
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